How Do You Get Calluses?
James • May 24, 2023

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How Do You Get Calluses?

Do you have calluses on your feet? Do you wonder how they got there? There are a number of factors that can cause calluses to develop. Read on to learn more about what causes calluses and how you can cope with them.

About Calluses

A callus is a thick, hard area of skin. Calluses develop when your body reacts to friction or pressure and develops new layers of skin to protect itself. Typically, calluses are not a significant problem; many people have them without experiencing any problems or symptoms. Calluses only require further care or concern if they cause pain or if you are at risk of complications due to diabetes.

Causes of Calluses

Wearing shoes that don’t fit properly can cause calluses. Shoes that are too tight, too narrow, or have high heels can put pressure on the feet. As a result of this pressure on the feet, calluses can develop. Wearing shoes that are too big can actually be just as harmful as wearing shoes that are too tight. When your shoes are too loose, your feet can move around inside the shoes, which results in friction between the foot and the shoe. This friction can also cause calluses.

Risk Factors for Calluses

You are more likely to develop calluses if you have other foot conditions, such as bunions, hammertoes, or bone spurs. Wearing shoes that don’t fit properly and wearing shoes without socks also contributes to the development of calluses.

If you have calluses on your feet, you could probably benefit from a new pair of shoes & an arch support.  We have a wide variety of comfortable and attractive shoes for you to try.

Shop now for shoes that are perfect for women with calluses...

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